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The job interview: without it, you can’t land your next great position, but it’s such a stressful experience. You have to dress perfectly, give a firm handshake, speak about yourself well (but too not too much). Even then, there are no guarantees you’ll get the job.

Part of interviewing successfully is how you feel about yourself. Relaxing your nerves will allow you to go into the interview confidently. Also, if the job opportunity doesn’t work out, you’ll be able to move on faster.

The following tips will also set you up for better interviews that result in more call-backs.

Be Early

Nothing is worse than running into snags before your interview. Whether it’s unexpected traffic or you get lost, if you’re late, you’re going to make a poor impression on the interviewer.

We recommend leaving well ahead of time so you have at least 15 minutes of extra time to kill. Sure, maybe that means sitting around in the lobby, but you’ll look better for your punctuality.

If you’re worried about getting lost, then take a trip out of the building the day before your interview. This can prepare you for what the traffic situation is like as well.

Watch What You Say about Your Last Job

There’s a reason you left your last job, whether because you outgrew it or vice-versa. Even if your old boss was the worst person in the world and your colleagues were a pain, don’t trash talk them. This doesn’t inspire confidence in the hiring manager. After all, if you speak negatively about your prior job, why won’t you someday do the same about this job?

Remember Your Body Language

You may have rehearsed what you’ll say and even did a few practice interviews, but don’t let your body language fall by the wayside. Sit up straight, walk confidently, keep your head up, and shake hands firmly but not for too long. Make eye contact at times and even smile if you feel like it’s right.

Don’t Come Empty-Handed

You should never arrive at an interview with nothing on your person. You want your resume (five copies is recommended), notebook paper, and a writing instrument of your choice. You might jot things down like what your job responsibilities would be, what the healthcare situation is, and what the salary looks like.

Ask Questions

There comes a time in nearly every job interview where the hiring manager will look at you and ask if you have any questions. You do not want to be put on the spot. As soon as the interview is scheduled, begin diving deep into the company, looking at their website and social media presence.

As questions pop up in your mind, write them down. You can print these out or bring your notebook with the questions on the day of the interview. Ask three, maybe four of your most burning questions and you will certainly make a positive impression.

Say Thank You

The interview has ended. You shake hands with the hiring manager, discuss next steps, and then go home. Later that day or the next day, you want to reach out and say thank you. You can send an email or even a card where you state your appreciation.

Not only is this a kind gesture, but it’s a good chance to reiterate your experience and why you’re such a fitting candidate for the role.

Interviewing might make you feel anxious now, but the more you get out and do it, the more comfortable you’ll become. By keeping these tips in mind, you might just find that your next job is even closer than you would have imagined.